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Locations - Mississippi - Jackson, Mississippi

Jackson, Mississippi

Jobs for Felons

Based on population estimates made in 2017, approximately 167,000 people made their home in Jackson, Mississippi. A city this size offers numerous opportunities for employment in a wide variety of areas and fields of specialty. Almost all jobs will go to those with a clean record. Having a felony conviction will create difficulties in getting a job because of fewer opportunities and limited choices secondary to their criminal background.

Below we have a number of job listings, followed by the top employers in Jackson and their hiring policies.

Jobs for Felons in Jackson Mississippi

We understand how having a felony conviction on your record can make it seem impossible to get a Job. Many firms or companies’ criteria for getting a job with them include a clean record and no conviction for any crime whatsoever. You probably have a very slim chance of getting a high-paid job; your record automatically denies them access to this cadre.

As such, many convicts have gone back to crime. Some are without assistance as they are seen as rotten eggs of society. However, going back to crime is never the way out, as this would open up the felon to greater danger. 

The good news is there’s a long list of jobs felons can take to fend for themselves and family, if there’s any. Let’s walk you through some well-known jobs for felons in Jackson Mississippi.

Truck Driving

Truck driving companies are felon-friendly by nature. They don’t usually run background checks, and your driving skill is the only thing required. You can look up resources online or check our list below if you are interested in them.

Restaurant Attender

Attending to customers at the restaurant doesn’t require a deep background check. All you need is a changed mind to work better and to earn an honest income for living. The application requirements still apply to companies you want to work with, but there’s a very slim chance they will run checks on your criminal records before employing you.


This is the best of all, as it doesn’t always require physical contact or any need to run any sophisticated background check. Most freelance companies don’t require not being an ex-convict to become a freelancer on their platforms. You only need the right skillset, and you are good to go. Diligence in this will earn you a high income.

Current List of Available Jobs in Jackson Mississippi

Having known that there’s still a chance for you to earn regardless of your record, you can apply for the listed jobs for felons in Jackson Mississippi on this page.

Please choose any of them that matches your skills or interests, and be sure to get the necessary documents or requirements ready alongside your application.

Make sure you read this entire page for your best chance at being successful in your job search.

How we help

This website was created by a few folks who have personally watched their loved ones struggle to get a job due to having a felony.

Your New Life Starts Here.

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Companies Hiring Felons

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